Case Results

Small Firm Attention. Big Firm Results.
  • Faulty Crowns and Veneers $200,000

    The patient saw a dentist for the purpose of improving her smile. The dentist convinced her that all 28 teeth in her mouth should have crowns and veneers at a cost of $100,000. The patient agreed to the treatment but subsequently was having problems with her bite and irritation of the gum tissue. She sought a second opinion and it was discovered that all of the crowns and veneers were poorly done and needed to be redone.

    Settlement Amount: $200,000

  • Orthodontic Retreatment $137,000

    The dentist was performing orthodontic treatment on the patient. After 3 years of treatment the patient began to wonder why the treatment was not progressing further so she sought out a second opinion. It was discovered that she had an impacted cuspid tooth that the original dentist never told her about. The patient required full orthodontic retreatment and surgical correction.

    Settlement Amount: $137,000

  • Multiple Corrective Procedures $100,000

    Patient was undergoing orthodontic treatment which was lasting for several years. The orthodontist failed to recognize that the impacted cuspid he was trying to get into position was damaging the roots of the surrounding teeth. The patient needed multiple corrective procedures including the extraction of several teeth.

    Settlement Amount: $100,000

  • Failure to Diagnose Decay $65,000

    The dentist had been treating the patient for 12 years and the patient came in every 6 months for check-ups and cleanings. The dentist failed to diagnose decay in one of the patient’s upper front teeth which eventually led to a large abscess necessitating the removal of three teeth. The patient required implants, bone grafts and crowns all of which could have been avoided with the proper early diagnosis of decay.

    Settlement Amount: $65,000

  • Failure to Diagnose Cavity $30,000

    The patient went to the dentist complaining of discomfort in his upper front tooth. The dentist told him that the best treatment would be to have braces because the tooth was crooked which was the reason it was bothering him. Trusting the dentist, the patient agreed to pay for braces. But the real reason the patient’s tooth was bothering him was because it had a large cavity which the dentist failed to diagnose. Eventually the tooth suffered severe bone loss and had to be extracted necessitating the placement of an implant. This result would have been avoided had the dentist made the proper diagnosis and recommended the proper treatment.

    Settlement Amount: $30,000

  • Anesthesia Injury $27,500

    During surgery in the hospital the anesthesiologist knocked out the patients upper bridge while intubating the patient. The bridge had been placed many years ago because of some missing front teeth. The patient needed to have a new bridge made.

    Settlement Amount: $27,500.

  • Failure to Align Patient's Teeth $25,000

    The patient saw an orthodontist who told her that she would only need to wear Invisalign for 6 months to achieve the cosmetic results that she wanted. The patient agreed to the treatment and wore the aligners faithfully. But after 6 months the position of her teeth were worse than when she started and eventually the orthodontist had to put on braces. But after three years of treatment the patient’s bite was completely misaligned and she had to seek treatment from another orthodontist.

    Settlement Amount: $25,000

  • Incomplete Crown Replacement $20,000

    The dentist began treating the patient and placed several implants. But then the dentist kept delaying the rest of the treatment and never placed the final crowns. The patient was left for months without any teeth which was embarrassing for him because his job involved dealing with the public. The patient tried to get his money back so he could go to a new dentist to finish the work but the dentist would not cooperate.

    Settlement Amount: $20,000